Tổng lượt truy cập: 930819
Đang truy cập: 1
Theo: - Cập nhật ngày: 20/12/2011 - 15:04:15


TRÖÔØNG THCS TT. THÔÙI LAI                                                 NAÊM HOÏC 2008 - 2009



Thôøi gian laøm baøi :  45’ ( Khoâng keå thôøi gian phaùt ñeà)



Chöõ kyù cuûa giaùm khaûo

Maõ phaùch


-         Giaùm khaûo 1 : ..............................................


-         Giaùm khaûo 2 : ..............................................




I/ Listen to the recycling fact, then fill in the blanks.


            In Britain, the milkman brings bottles (1) _______ milk to (2) _______ and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then (3) _______ and (4) _______. Every milk bottle can be (5) _______ (6) _______ times.

II/ Circle the correct answer:

1-     Lan is ______ than Mai.

A: good

B: more good

C: better

2-     The soccer match was very _______.

A: excited

B: exciting

C: excite

3-     I have lived here _______

A: since last week

B: for a week

C: A and B are correct

4-     Mr. Tam works ________ than my father.

A: more slowly

B: slowly

C: slower

5-     What _______ you ________ every morning?

A: do/do

B: did/do

C: have/ done

6-     Would you mind if I ______ here?

A: sit

B: sitting

C: sat

7-     Would you mind ______ the window?

A: to open

B: opening

C: open

8-     It’s difficult _______ by heart new words.

A: to learn

B: in learning

C: learn

9-     Today we went on _______

A: an eight – hours tour

B: an eight -hour tour

C: an eight- hour tours

10- _______ the letter sent yesterday?

A: Did

B: Was

C: Is

11- That’s very kind _______.

A: from you

B: by you

C: of you

12- I _______ that film recently.

A: has seen

B: have seen

C: saw

13- Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the others.

A: adventure

B: advice

C: mountain

14- Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:

A: fit

B: fine

C: chicken

III/ Change into passive form:

1-     They dry the glass pieces completely.

à ___________________________________________________________

2-     She will make  a birthday cake on my next birthday.

à ___________________________________________________________

3-     People will build a new bridge across the river in 2010.

à ___________________________________________________________

4-     Jack takes his younger sister to school every day.

à ___________________________________________________________

IV/ Read the passage carefully

            Jame  Smith (1916- 1970) was born in England. However, he was French. He came into the army when he left school in 1934. He became an officer of the government in India country, a colony of England.

              He was injured in the war in Burma, so he left the army. Later he bought a small boat and explored the islands of Asian coast.

            Answer the questions:

1-     When was Jame Smith born?

à ______ _____________________________________________________

2-     What did he do after he left the army?

à ___________________________________________________________

3-     When did he die?

à ___________________________________________________________

4-     Was he English?

à ___________________________________________________________

            5- Why did he leave the army?

            à ___________________________________________________________

6-Have you ever seen the films of adventures?

à ___________________________________________________________


---------------The end------------------























I/ 1,5m

In Britain, the milkman brings bottles  of  milk to houses  and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then cleaned and refilled. Every milk bottle can be reused thirty times.


1- of    2-houses          3- cleaned       4- refilled       5- reused         6- thirty


II/ 3,5ms

1-C      2- B     3-C      4-A      5- A     6- C     7- B     8-A      9-B      10-B    11-C    12-12-B          13-C    14B

III/ 2ms          

1-     The glass pieces are dried completely.

2-     A birthday cake will be made on my next birthday by her.

3-     A new bridge will be build across the river in 2010.

4-     His younger sister is taken to school everyday by him.

IV/ 3ms

1-     (He was born) in 1916.

2-     He came into the army (when he left school).

3-     (He died) in 1970.

4-     No, he wasn’t

5-     Because he was injured ( in the war in Burma)

6-     ( acceptable)











TRÖÔØNG THCS TT. THÔÙI LAI                                                 NAÊM HOÏC 2008 - 2009



Thôøi gian laøm baøi :  45’ ( Khoâng keå thôøi gian phaùt ñeà)



Chöõ kyù cuûa giaùm khaûo

Maõ phaùch


-         Giaùm khaûo 1 : ..............................................


-         Giaùm khaûo 2 : ..............................................




I/ Listen to the recycling fact, then fill in the blanks.


            In Britain, the milkman brings bottles (1) _______ milk to (2) _______ and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then (3) _______ and (4) _______. Every milk bottle can be (5) _______ (6) _______ times.

II/ Circle the correct answer:

1-     Lan is ______ than Mai.

A: good

B: more good

C: better

2-     The soccer match was very _______.

A: excited

B: exciting

C: excite

3-     I have lived here _______

A: since last week

B: for a week

C: A and B are correct

4-     Mr. Tam works ________ than my father.

A: more slowly

B: slowly

C: slower

5-     What _______ you ________ every morning?

A: do/do

B: did/do

C: have/ done

6-     Would you mind if I ______ here?

A: sit

B: sitting

C: sat

7-     Would you mind ______ the window?

A: to open

B: opening

C: open

8-     It’s difficult _______ by heart new words.

A: to learn

B: in learning

C: learn

9-     Today we went on _______

A: an eight – hours tour

B: an eight -hour tour

C: an eight- hour tours

10- _______ the letter sent yesterday?

A: Did

B: Was

C: Is

11- That’s very kind _______.

A: from you

B: by you

C: of you

12- I _______ that film recently.

A: has seen

B: have seen

C: saw

13- Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the others.

A: adventure

B: advice

C: mountain

14- Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:

A: fit

B: fine

C: chicken

III/ Change into passive form:

1-     They dry the glass pieces completely.

à ___________________________________________________________

2-     She will make  a birthday cake on my next birthday.

à ___________________________________________________________

3-     People will build a new bridge across the river in 2010.

à ___________________________________________________________

4-     Jack takes his younger sister to school every day.

à ___________________________________________________________

IV/ Read the passage carefully

            Jame  Smith (1916- 1970) was born in England. However, he was French. He came into the army when he left school in 1934. He became an officer of the government in India country, a colony of England.

              He was injured in the war in Burma, so he left the army. Later he bought a small boat and explored the islands of Asian coast.

            Answer the questions:

1-     When was Jame Smith born?

à ______ _____________________________________________________

2-     What did he do after he left the army?

à ___________________________________________________________

3-     When did he die?

à ___________________________________________________________

4-     Was he English?

à ___________________________________________________________

            5- Why did he leave the army?

            à ___________________________________________________________

6-Have you ever seen the films of adventures?

à ___________________________________________________________


---------------The end------------------























I/ 1,5m

In Britain, the milkman brings bottles  of  milk to houses  and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then cleaned and refilled. Every milk bottle can be reused thirty times.


1- of    2-houses          3- cleaned       4- refilled       5- reused         6- thirty


II/ 3,5ms

1-C      2- B     3-C      4-A      5- A     6- C     7- B     8-A      9-B      10-B    11-C    12-12-B          13-C    14B

III/ 2ms          

1-     The glass pieces are dried completely.

2-     A birthday cake will be made on my next birthday by her.

3-     A new bridge will be build across the river in 2010.

4-     His younger sister is taken to school everyday by him.

IV/ 3ms

1-     (He was born) in 1916.

2-     He came into the army (when he left school).

3-     (He died) in 1970.

4-     No, he wasn’t

5-     Because he was injured ( in the war in Burma)

6-     ( acceptable)
















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